Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry, as hundreds of workers die each year and thousands more suffer catastrophic, debilitating injuries. Yet, lack of proper fall protection remains the most frequently cited violation by the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration. To recognize this often fatal hazard, tens of thousands of employers and more than a million workers across the country join OSHA in May for a week-long Fall Safety Stand-Down. This is largest occupational safety event. OSHA hopes to continue to increase the number of participants each year.
Stop Construction Falls - talks about the campaign to prevent falls and links to various materials.
CPWR: Construction Fatality Map - This link goes to a CPWR web site with an interactive map showing construction fatalities - including several deaths here in Arizona resulting in falls from heights of 15 feet or less
OSHA Construction E-Tool: Falls - An on-line, interactive tool that lets you select hazardous conditions and then see additional information on how to abate the hazard or protect workers